infosnowAPI Type 1API Type 2Divers

API Type 2 - weather (SRF)

Beware: if a customer does not use data of Meteo SRF, this endpoint looks different: weather

main entities

countintany valid valuenumber of objects


idintany valid valueid of station
namestringmax. 255 charsname
todayobjectprognosisprognosis for today
tomorrowobjectprognosisprognosis for tomorrow
afterobjectprognosisprognosis for the day after tomorrow
YYY-MM-DDobjectprognosisprognosis for days after


symbolintweather symbolweather symbol
tempMinfloatany valid valuemin. temperature
tempMaxfloatany valid valuemax. temperature
windForceintany valid valuewind force
windMaxintany valid valuemax. wind force
windDirint0-360wind direction in degrees
rainintany valid valuerain in mm
rainProbintany valid valueprobability of rain in %
sunrisetimeany valid valuetime of sunrise
sunsettimeany valid valuetime of sunset
translationobjecttranslationforecast (only for 4 days)
symbolAmintweather symbolweather symbol morning (only for 4 days)
symbolPmintweather symbolweather symbol afternoon (only for 4 days)
tempAmintany valid valueaverage temperature morning (only for 4 days)
tempPmintany valid valueaverage temperature morning (only for 4 days)


destringmax. 255 charsgerman
frstringmax. 255 charsfrench
itstringmax. 255 charsitalian
enstringmax. 255 charsenglish
esstringmax. 255 charsspanish
nlstringmax. 255 charsdutch

weather symbol

The following Iconset contains all symbols:

SVG, colored

SVG, black

SVG, white

PNG, black (old set)

Beware: these iconsets cannot be used for manually maintained weather, the symbols are different.